“Thank you for sending the address for that webpage of advice.  I was skeptical at first, but it was really interesting, particularly (I thought) the advice on giving presentations -- i could tell (from painful experience both watching & giving bad presentations) that all his advice was right-on.  I'm going to tell my friends about the webpage!”

- Dartmouth alumna

“...what a wonderful thing to do! I've done a brief check and the content is wonderful. It must have been fun to do this as well, although I'm  very impressed that you had the discipline to do it.”

- President, Silicon Valley non-profit

“These web sites were helpful especially the one with mike's interviewing techniques.”

- student

“Wow! I love your web site and will certainly refer students to it.”

- CEO, Silicon Valley

“Thx for the reference.  Looked at most of the work.  Wonderful resources

 (even for us older folks!).”

- businessman

“…this is just absolutely fabulous stuff!  I am sending the link to

all my kids (one of which is through school - I think).  Thanks for putting

it together.  I learned some things from the one on presentations myself,

and have the site bookmarked.”

- Fortune 50 employee

“…Thanks for inviting me to look!! I think that your ideas will be helpful

to many others.

- Professor,  Department Chairman

“I like reading your 4students section. Good Stuff.”

- university student

“All in all the site is very helpful, and I wouldn't hesitate to refer people to it. … The "Interviewing Tips" will really be helpful. … The "Effective Presentation" section is great.”

-   recent university graduate, job hunter

“Wow… this is a great resource. … I am passing this to all the Career Advisors and I would like to put this on our Intern Shout Out, as this is another super service we can offer the students, whether they are looking for full time, co-op, intern or summer work!”

                       -   university Career Advisor

“This is great information and I will be sure to pass this on.”

-         Assistant Director, Career Service Center

  “I sent this off to my 3 daughters in college.  I'm sure they'll find it useful.  I looked over it myself and can see there are some valuable insights in it.”

-         parent

“I did a quick review of the material you have on the web. It looks great!! I intend to share it with our undergraduate and masters students.”

-         professor, department chair

“your web site …was very useful, especially the part on interviewing for jobs”

-         university senior

  Congratulations and a great web site.  I will give this web address

to students, and I will tell them that it represents "street wisdom".

-         Stanford professor

“this is the best thing I've seen on this subject -- easy to follow, great advice and the best part FREE.  … off it goes to my senior at University of Rochester.  I'm also going to send it to many of (his) friends.   You are really doing something worthwhile here!  Thanks.

-         parent
